The Big Adventure Begins

The Big Adventure Begins
October 1, 2019 Off By Samuel Wyner

My big adventure has finally begun!

It has been four days since I have left the U.S. Since then, I have been exploring Iceland and all of its natural beauty. Even though I have only just started traveling, I have already witnessed the northern lights, soaked in natural hot springs, explored stunning waterfalls, and visited my first glacier. I have also explored Reykjavík, which has a style of architecture that is both colorful and distinctly Nordic. Throughout Iceland, I have met like-minded travelers from all over the world.

So far, I couldn’t be happier to finally be fulfilling my travel dreams. Sometimes, one needs to take risks and do something completely out of the ordinary in order to take full advantage of what life has to offer. You only live once, and I knew that as a 25-year-old early in my career, I would not have this opportunity again down the road. Therefore, I made the plunge, and now I am exploring everything that this world has to offer.

So, where exactly am I headed next?

I leave tomorrow for Ireland and will be spending a fair amount of time there. After that, I will be returning to one of my favorite European countries, the United Kingdom, in order to explore Scotland, Wales, and Northern England. I will also be paying a visit back to London to re-explore this cosmopolitan city and catch up with friends.

While I have not fully planned the rest of my European adventure, I am most likely going to hop over to Southern Italy to experience the alluring Amalfi Coast, the Isle of Capri, and the ancient ruins of Pompeii. Even though I visited Venice, Florence, and Rome while I studied abroad, I missed out on Italy’s impressive coastal region. I will be returning to Dublin on Halloween to catch a long flight to Hong Kong. From there, I will spend a few days exploring the city before hopping on another flight to Melbourne, Australia!

I will be based in Australia for a full year on a working holiday visa. This unique opportunity will allow me to pick up part-time work while exploring one of the world’s most beautiful and diverse continents! Australia is also the perfect home base for traveling to New Zealand and Southeast Asia.

Which brings me to a commonly asked question: What is next for the blog?

I plan to work on my first Iceland post in the near future. There will be a total of three posts about the Land of Fire and Ice. I will also have plenty of posts on Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England. I am still learning the ropes about how to manage a blog while going through the hustle and bustle of traveling, sightseeing, and meeting new friends. However, I have already gone through so many new life experiences! I have a lot of amazing photos and memories that I cannot wait to share with everyone.

Until then, happy travels!